Mediation Vs Litigation

The path to resolution may appear to be a difficult one when faced with a dispute. Is going to court the best course of action or are there other, more amicable options available? These are dispute resolutions. The process of settling conflicts, disagreements, or disputes between parties in a fair and agreeable manner is referred […]

Licensing V Franchising:  A Legal Perspective on the Differences

The Nasi Kukus Tonggek case has become a focal point of discussion regarding the legal distinctions between licensing and franchising agreements in Malaysia. The controversy arose from a dispute between the popular food chain and one of its licensees, highlighting the complexities of business arrangements and the importance of proper contractual frameworks. While the case […]

The Hierarchy Of Courts

When it comes to seeking justice and resolving legal matters in Malaysia, understanding the court system is crucial. The Malaysian legal system consists of several tiers of courts, each with its own jurisdiction and role. In this article, we’ll explore the hierarchy of court in regards to Civil Law, helping you navigate the legal landscape […]

Putus Tunang: Boleh Tuntut Kerugian?

Pertunangan ialah satu hal atau perkara yang dibolehkan dalam agama kerana ianya merupakan titik perkenalan serta permulaan bagi suatu hubungan diantara kedua belah pihak. Walau bagaimanapun, adat pertunangan ini berbeza mengikut keadaan setempat serta suasana masyarakat sekitarnya. Pertunangan dapat didefinisikan sebagai mengikat janji untuk menjadi suami isteri (berkahwin). Hukum pertunangan di sisi Islam adalah harus. […]

Ugut Cerai: Cerai Bersyarat dan Kaedahnya

Cerai Ta’liq boleh didefinisikan sebagai mengaitkan jatuhnya talak sekiranya terjadi atau berlaku syarat yang dilafazkan oleh sang suami. Menurut Seksyen 2, Akta Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam (Wilayah-Wilayah Persekutuan) 1984 mentafsirkan ta’liq ertinya lafaz perjanjian yang dibuat oleh suami selepas akad nikah mengikut Hukum Syarak dan peruntukan Akta ini. Ta’liq talak boleh dibahagikan kepada dua (2) bahagian;1. […]

Suami tuduh saya berzina! Apa perlu saya tahu?

Li’an dari segi bahasa adalah kutukan. Adapun li’an menurut istilah syarak adalah sumpah seorang suami ke atas isterinya yang dituduh melakukan zina. Di Malaysia, sekiranya seorang suami telah menuduh isterinya berzina, maka had Qazaf adalah diletakkan ke atas suami tersebut. Maka bagi mengugurkan had Qazaf tersebut, suami perlu melafazkan sumpah li’an sebanyak empat (4) kali […]

HDA 1966 Episode 4: Your Rights for Latent Defects Claim

In our previous article, we have shared on important clauses in the Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) that you have to know as a homebuyer. One of the clauses is on Defects Liability Period (DLP) in which the developer is responsible for defect for a certain period of time after vacant possession (VP). Today, we […]


In the previous article, we defined the ‘S’ in ESG as how an organisation treats people, the employees, the suppliers and the customers. Bear in mind that it is a social responsibility of a company to provide good relationships with the employees, the suppliers and the customers. Since employees are the biggest stakeholders of a […]
